Thursday, July 23, 2015

Picture of the (Love is) horse

Love is patient, love is kind, Love Is...

Recently, I was comissioned to paint a portrait of a horse. I have done other portraits of horses before ... But the call about this one brought me to tears. The young women called and said she heard of this person who rescued a terribly abused horse who's only future was death! This person bought the horse, nursed it back to life and loved it. After four years the horse did pass away which left this person grieved. The story so blessed my heart that I passionately painted this picture. The photos that were sent to me were not photos of a healthy, vivacious animal however. I finished it with a poem the Lord gave me and life into its character. What blessed me even more was the women who paid me to paint it....didn't even KNOW this women... She wanted to give it as a gift to her because that women's story blessed her! That's what it's all about❤️